March 2022 Newsletter

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"And then he told them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Happy March! As we see what is happening around the world, we want to encourage you to pray for those who are suffering. Now, more than ever, we must rise up as believers to stand for what is right and share the Gospel with those who are lost. The Word of God is true, living, and active! Let it guide your life and direct your steps as we stand in the gap for those suffering.

Church Builds

We are currently finishing up two back-to-back church builds! Last week, we hosted a team from The Assembly at Broken Arrow in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. They got the full experience by camping in the village about 4 hours outside of Chenalhó. Our second team, from Radiant Life Church in McKinney, TX, and Celebration Church in Raleigh, NC, is working this week to build another church outside of Chenalhó. Thank you to everyone who has given their time and money to bless these communities with a new church!

We're Gearing Up For Convention!

The biannual convention for Iglesia Jesus Cristo Sobre la Roca is coming up in April! With the convention's cancellation in 2020, it has been four years since the last convention. This year, we are expecting 7,000 people!

Did you know that it takes seven bulls and 11,000 pounds of tortillas to feed everyone? Thanks to your giving, we were able to send money to pay for five of the bulls needed for the convention! Please continue to pray for this event and all of the people that will attend.

New Roof for Chenalhó Dorms

If you have been to Chenalhó with us, you have probably taken the famous rooftop picture on top of the dorms. The roof is currently in need of repairs due to wear and tear over time. This past month, we sent money for the repairs so that the dorms are perfect for future teams coming to serve. Thank you for giving so that we can continue to invest in the Kingdom of God!

Thank you for your continued support of Pogue Family Missions and for being a part of sharing the love of Christ in Mexico. We believe that God will continue to change lives and are so excited to play a part in bringing glory to His Kingdom. 
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Anna Payne